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Shortening Trade Cycles - Part 3

Last month we talked about 3 ways a sales consultant could influence the average trade cycle of their client base and give themselves a pay raise. If you missed that one you can read it in our blog archive here.


Shortening Trade Cycles - Part 2

Last month we talked about how sales consultants could influence the average trade cycle of their client base and give themselves a pay raise. Let's dig into how 3 steps can put the concept into practice...


When is the best time to give yourself a pay raise? How about now?

You can give yourself a raise any day by increasing your effort or building your sales skills. Work harder and/or get better at what you do. It’s just math.


They don't need a demo drive boss... They know the car!

We talk a lot about how the new normal is well informed shoppers who have "self-served" themselves far into the decision process. They have done enough online research to narrow their selection and their short list may only have 1-2 vehicles of interest.


It's a simple business or is it?

We recently had a request from a freelance writer who was putting an article together for an auto industry publication. The writer sent a list of 13 or so questions; one of which had us chuckling around the water cooler. It was a simple question with not so simple an answer:
