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Phones skills are old school... or are they?

So we've talked about how the current reality of the highly informed internet shopper has required salespeople to change their daily work plan.


Building value for the highly informed shopper - Part 4

We have been talking a lot lately about this highly researched shopper - that a typical prospect is now spending 11+ hours of online research before we ever see or hear from them.


Building value for the highly informed shopper - Part 3

We have talked about how our typical shopper is now spending 11+ hours of online research before we ever see or hear from them.


7 Bad Sales Habits you need to drop

Do you feel like you’re working as hard as you possibly can to make more sales but somehow you never seem to “close" enough? Maybe you have developed a few bad habits that you might not even be aware of.

Here are seven bad sales habits that you should drop now:


Creating Urgency

Sales managers are always talking about it like you're supposed to be able to wave a magic wand and get people to buy on command. I remember a situation early in my sales career when we were having a particularly slow month.
