High density of practice and coaching on all aspects of the selling process for the automotive industry. A highly energetic hands-on simulated selling day for 20-25 Car Sales Consultants, 5-10 Car Sales Managers, and 3-5 Business Managers.
Stations are set up and in rotation groups of salespeople visit each station. Stations deal with a section of 1-2 steps of the sales process. Rotation of salespeople within the group at each station as many rotations as possible before the shift change to next station.
Sales people “real-play” the realistic scenario presented in the materials and live with the trainer/appraiser. Immediate feedback and coaching by Sales Managers, the small group and Automotivaters trainer. Salesperson doing role-playing gets evaluated “passport” stamped and graded. In-effective or incomplete coaching on the fly by Sales Managers is supplemented by the Automotivaters Trainer.
Best practices wrap-up before rotation to next station.
End of day “free-for-all” rumble of most difficult customers / scenarios / objections or anything else. This program is fully scalable for regional deployment for any number of dealerships and staff numbers.