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Why should they buy here?

Think about all of the other places your prospect could buy their next vehicle.  In most markets there are not only all of the other competitive brands to worry about. Within a reasonable distance from your dealership is another selling the identical brand.


What is 1% worth?

We have often heard jokes about how 99% just isn't good enough.  You know, like 12 newborn babies per day will be dropped at birth, or 2 planes will crash every day at Chicago O'Hare Airport, 22,000 cheques per hour will be deducted from the wrong bank accounts, and the 99% list goes on…


What do you have in common with your client?

Have you ever been asked by your sales manager when you walked into their office with a deal worksheet: "What do you have in common with these people?" It is a great question that a sales manager could ask you about the people you are trying to sell a car to.


Un-training. How to combat the deterioration of sales skills

My team has experience – they don’t need more training!


Unlock Your Own Power of Why

We often coach sales managers on their true role. Sometimes they look puzzled when we say: "Your job is not really managing sales or even growing sales." The sales manager's highest value comes from developing salespeople.
