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They don't need a demo drive boss... They know the car!

We talk a lot about how the new normal is well informed shoppers who have "self-served" themselves far into the decision process. They have done enough online research to narrow their selection and their short list may only have 1-2 vehicles of interest.


Building value for the highly informed shopper - Part 3

We have talked about how our typical shopper is now spending 11+ hours of online research before we ever see or hear from them.


Building Value for the Highly Informed Shopper - Part 2

We have talked about how our typical shopper is now spending 11+ hours of online research before we ever see or hear from them.


Uh... I think you are leaking closing ratio

What holds us back from hitting our volume and income objectives? For most salespeople, the difference between where you are and where you would like to be is only a matter of a few points in closing ratio. So where do we "leak" closing ratio?


Perspiration but no Demonstration

We have all heard the quip: "presentation without demonstration is just conversation". Right? Well it is true. The demonstration drive of the vehicle is the crucial step where mental ownership really takes off.
