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Sales Meeting Express Agendas for Car Dealerships

Newest Articles Date Posted

SME# 18 Information Review

How do we make it easy for the customer to confirm that we have the right vehicle? 


SME# 30 Marketing Program Support - Conquest Customers

How do we make calls to conquest customers who might want to take advantage of current marketing offers? 


SME# 29 Marketing Program Support - Current Customers

How do we make calls to current customers who might want to take advantage of current marketing offers?


SME# 28 Follow-up - Not Ready to Trade Objection

What should we do when we call our customer who has a 3-4-5 year old vehicle but they feel it is too soon to trade? 


SME# 27 Follow-up - Unresolved Objection

What should we do to follow up a customer who did not buy because of an objection we could not resolve? 
