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More vehicle sales from the service lounge

Is one of your best customers sitting in your service department lounge right now? Many vehicle salespeople will answer: "uh I dunno - why?"


You get paid to talk... so talk to someone who can pay you

We all want a friendly work environment. Don't we? One where we get along with our team mates and have fun at work. Sure we do. However too often we see a large proportion of a sales consultant's day devoted to interaction with co-workers rather than clients or prospects.


Who ya gonna call?

Everybody knows that to be successful in sales you have to cultivate relationships with your clients!


UnappliedTime - In the sales department?

Sales department? Isn't unapplied time a measurement of service department
productivity? Who ever heard of unapplied time in the sales department?
Maybe those of us in the sales departments can learn a few lessons from how the service shop operates.


Getting serious about the internet shopper

We often run into salespeople and managers who have yet to take the internet shopper seriously. They are still trying to force every internet shopper into a 100% traditional face to face dealership experience or worse dismissing leads as worthless or low priority items.
