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7 Bad Sales Habits you need to drop

Do you feel like you’re working as hard as you possibly can to make more sales but somehow you never seem to “close" enough? Maybe you have developed a few bad habits that you might not even be aware of.

Here are seven bad sales habits that you should drop now:


Serving Others

People naturally seem to slow down at this time of year and take a moment to reflect on what is important in life. With that in mind consider what a privilege it is to live where we do with all of the wealth and opportunity that is afforded us each and every day.


Anticipation - Part 2

Here's the rest of the story to the one we shared in April last year. Remember this?


A Practice Culture in your Dealership

As good as we are, we are all subjected to the day to day erosion of skills and effort by interaction with customers. You may have heard us refer to this as the un-training cycle. Even with great skills and a very high closing ratio, more prospects say no than say yes.


Strategy. Execution. Achievement.

Every sales manager has goals. They are usually imposed on us from external sources like the manufacturer, our dealer principal, or general manager. These goals are highly visible, the data is readily available, and we are held responsible if we either hit them or not.
